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Child Death Reviews

Child Death Reviews

New arrangements have now been published around the Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP).

The Child Death Review Partners (CCG & LA) have a duty to review every child death for children that are normally resident within their Local Authority area. The Pan Sussex Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) meets monthly to review every child death and includes representatives from agencies such as Health, Public Health, Children’s & Youth services, Education, Children’s Social Care, the Coroner’s Office and South East Coast Ambulance Service.

Notification of a child death

CDOP must be notified within 24 hours of a child’s death. As soon as a professional becomes aware of a child death they should complete a Notification Form on the eCDOP portal.

Alternatively please contact Mike Newman who is the Single Point of Contact (SPoC) for child deaths in Sussex.

Contact details:

Child Death Review Coordinator for Sussex: Mike Newman

Child Death Team Email:

Joint Agency Response (previously known as a Rapid Response)

When a child dies unexpectedly, a Joint Agency Response procedure is initiated by key professionals. This is a coordinated response to accurately investigate the circumstances regarding the child’s death and ensure the family is supported. Details can be found within

Gathering Information for the Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Review

Once a death notification has been received and disseminated to the relevant agencies the process of gathering information commences. This is done using a Reporting Form which is sent out by the CDOP Officer to all agencies that are known to have supported the child and its family. Reporting Forms are completed by the agency and then returned to the CDOP Officer for collation. This occurs after any investigations/Inquests have been completed.

What is the CDOP looking for?

The CDOP anonymously reviews all child deaths and takes into consideration all the information they have received back from the agencies, including:

  • what caused the child’s death
  • if the death was unexpected, was there was an appropriate JAR undertaken if required.
  • the support and treatment offered to the child and their family
  • additional training or resources required to provide an improved multi-agency response
  • any public health issue

The purpose of the review is to agree what lessons can be learnt from the death and whether any recommendations can be made to improve future practice and reduce any emerging risks to children’s safety.

Annual Report

CDOP produce an Annual report detailing the recommendations and lessons learnt during the previous year. The Annual Report is a public document and therefore it does not contain information that could identify an individual child or their family.

Further Information:

Child Death Process Leaflet
Lullaby Trust Sudden Infant Death Syndrome a guide for professionals
WSSCP Newsletters
Public Health England: Reducing Infant Morality
Public Health England: Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy – Advice for people working with children, young people and families